The Top European Tourist Attractions in 2022

The European continent is the place that attracts countless tourists every year, people that go there for businesses related purposes, for leisure, or simply to visit the great tourist attractions of the old continent. No matter the reason you have decided to come to Europe, the time you are going to spend there will be a very busy one, because there are so many things to do while being in Europe.

1.Istanbul, Turkey 

More than 250,000 persons visit the bazaar in Istanbul, Turkey, each and every day of the year. It is a fascinating place where you will find almost everything you can think of. The bazaar is world famous due to the natural leather clothing sector, the handmade and hand painted ceramics, the well known woolen carpets, and the copper made products. More than 5,000 shops are located on close to 60 streets, and all of them are inviting you to discover their unique products. If you go there, make sure you negotiate with the store owners, as the first offered price will usually be very big in comparison with what you can achieve through careful negotiation.

2. Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris

Another important tourist attraction in Europe is the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France, the very place where close to 15 million people come every year. It is a wonderful Gothic building that has survived the attacks of the Huguenots. Despite its tumultuous past, the cathedral is known to offer peace for the souls of all its visitors. The cathedral was raised after the demolition of the former St. Stephan’s dedicated cathedral.  It is said that the first stone was put in place in the year 1163, in the very presence of Pope Alexander III.

3. Disneyland Park, Marne -la- Vallee

Disneyland Park, Marne -la- Vallee is another crowded spot in Europe, in France. The place manages to attract more than ten million tourists every year. The Park was opened in 1992 and it is considered to be the second most crowded place on the old continent. There are numerous attractions in the Park: FantasyLand, DiscoveryLand, ForntierLand and AdventureLand are just a few of them.

4. The Louvre Museum in Paris

The Louvre Museum in Paris is also on the list with the most visited places in Europe. Close to ten million tourists arrive in Paris to visit the former kings’ residence each year. Today, no less than 35,000 art masterpieces can be admired in the Museum, among them being Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo. It is for sure a tourist attraction that will keep you busy several hours per day for several days in row, if you really want to make the most out of your visit.

5. Basilica St. Peter in Rome

We move from France to Italy to talk about Basilica St. Peter in Rome, which is one of the biggest churches in the entire world. It is a fabulous construction that will charm you with its golden ornaments, the paintings, the statues and the numerous artworks created by some of the most famous artists in the world: Raphael, Bernini, Michelangelo, to name just a few of them. The basilica was built in 324, its main goal being to incorporate Apostle Peter’s tomb in the center of its structure.

There is no secret that Europe is a captivating destination, and every country belonging to the old continent has thousands of marvelous things to offer to its visitors. A trip to Europe will be easily remembered along the years, and for this reason it should be planned carefully.

Irina Kirilov, the author of this article, was born in Europe and loves the old continent. She works as a blogger for Thrifty Romania, a car rental agency in Bucharest, Romania.


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